Punta Delgada Lighthouse
IALA Heritage Lighthouse of the Year 2023 Nominee
Location: ARGENTINA - Chubut, Puerto Madryn, Península Valdés
Lighthouse Operator: Ministerio de Defensa de Argentina and Servicio de Hidrografia Naval

Source: (photos as submitted to accompany nomination form by Argentine Naval Hydrographic Service - Ministry of Defence 2023)
Lighthouse Description and History
(Text extracted from nomination form submitted by Argentine Naval Hydrographic Service. Ministry of Defence in 2023)
The Punta Delgada Lighthouse, located on the Valdés Peninsula, Chubut province, was built in 1904. Originally, it had a white light and a battery of 2 bronze tanks for compressed air and oil. Its third-order Barbier optical apparatus made it a very important lighthouse for navigation in the region. Today it has an autonomous system of sustainable solar energy with a LED-based luminaire.
Reason For Nomination
(Text extracted from nomination form submitted by Argentine Naval Hydrographic Service. Ministry of Defence in 2023)
Intrinsic Heritage Interest of the Lighthouse
The Punta Delgada Lighthouse has great heritage interest. Its architecture, with a distinctive design and a privileged location on the Valdés Peninsula, make it a cultural landmark and a testimony to the historical importance of aids to navigation in the region. Furthermore, its impact on local culture and its relevance to the lighthouses of the world make it stand out as a special lighthouse.
Significant efforts have been made to conserve the Punta Delgada Lighthouse. Over the years, restoration and maintenance work has been carried out to preserve its original structure. In addition, alternative uses have been explored that allow its use as a cultural and tourist space.
Public Access and Education
Various initiatives have been implemented to facilitate public access to the Punta Delgada Lighthouse. Guided tours and educational activities are offered regularly so that visitors can learn about the heritage of the lighthouse and its historical context in relation to aids to navigation.