Faro della Vittoria (Victory Lighthouse)
IALA Heritage Lighthouse of the Year 2022 Nominee
Location: ITALY - Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Trieste
Lighthouse Operator: Italian Navy, Lighthouses Zone Command Venice

Lighthouse Description and History
(Text extracted from nomination form submitted by Italian Navy – Lighthouses & Signaling Directorate. 2022)
The “Faro della Vittoria” is the brainchild of two artists from Trieste: architect Arduino Berlam and sculptor Giovanni Mayer, as a sign of gratitude to all those who died at sea during the First World War, and to celebrate the passage of the city of Trieste to the Kingdom of Italy.
The Lighthouse was built inside the Kressich Fort, one of the best fortified areas of the second half of the 19th century by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, testifying to the strong symbolic value of this choice. The work, designed by architect Berlam, began on 15 January 1923 under responsibility of the Civil Engineers and was carried out by the Consortium of Cooperatives between ex-combatants.
On 3 February 1924, in order to embellish the monument and to commemorate the historic entry of first Italian destroyer warship “AUDACE” into the city of Trieste, Admiral Thaon di Revel (Minister of the Italian Royal Navy) donated the anchor of the warship, accompanied by a bronze plaque. Later, Admiral Thaon di Revel completed the offer with two 305 mm shells from the Austro-Hungarian warship “VIRIBUS UNITIS”, which was sunk in the base of Pula by raiders of the Italian Royal Navy. The bullets are located at the entrance of the lighthouse. Also belonging to “VIRIBUS UNITIS”, is the chain that encircles the flowerbed at the base of the
The lighthouse lantern is surmounted by the statue of Winged Victory, holding a torch in her left hand and a laurel crown in her right.
The statue is made of several pieces of copper 2 mm thick, and joined together with brass bolts. The author of the statue is the sculptor Giovanni Mayer and the copper moulding was carried out by one of greatest Trieste craftsman, Giacomo Srebot.
The impressive sculpture in front of the lighthouse, dedicated to the “Unknown Sailor”, is also the work of the sculptor Mayer. It is 8.60 mt. high and made of, depicting a sailor wearing an Italian Royal Navy cap and high work boots, looking out to sea. The curved crystal lantern, with a bronze frame and a scaled dome, is the largest existing in Italy and was made by the Naples company “Cav. Alfonso Curci e figlio”, based on a project drawn up by the Directorate of the Autonomous Lighthouse Workshop of Trieste.
The external diameter of the lantern is 5.314 mt. The lighthouse was inaugurated on 24 May 1927 by the King of Italy Vittorio
Emanuele III.
Reason For Nomination
(Text extracted from nomination form submitted by Italian Navy – Lighthouses & Signaling Directorate. 2022)
Intrinsic Heritage Interest of the Lighthouse
The Lighthouse of Trieste, also known as “Faro della Vittoria” (“Victory Lighthouse”), is not only a precious instrument for the safety of navigation but one of the most important symbols of the city. It’s the most powerful lighthouse on the Adriatic sea and the main lighthouse for the city harbour.
It represents a sign of gratitude to all those who died at sea during the First World War, and to celebrate the passage of the city of Trieste to the Kingdom of Italy and for those reasons it is largely recognized as one of the main symbol of the unity of the Nation.
Preservation state is excellent. Coordination efforts are underway between the Italian Navy and the local regional authorities in order to define works to be carried out on the occasion of centenary of lighthouse construction date.
Public Access and Education
The lighthouse is controlled and managed by the Italian Navy Lighthouses Zone Command, based in Venice, which also looks after all the lighthouses in the northern Adriatic sea.
The lighthouse is open to the public thanks to a special agreement with the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Authority through the Regional Agency for Cultural Heritage – ERPAC. From the top of “Faro della Vittoria”, it is possible to admire the Gulf of Trieste, a breathtaking view that is impossible to miss.